23 Apr 2018 • 4 min read
23 Apr 2018 • 4 min read
8 Fun Things To Do In May - Melbourne
8 Fun Things To Do In May - Melbourne
8 Fun Things To Do In May - Melbourne
8 Fun Things To Do In May - Melbourne
Not quite the middle, not quite the start. If May was a day of the week, it would be Tuesday. May is almost destined for mediocrity. Although, in the spirit of making it the best we possibly can, we've scouted out 8 super fun things for you to do this month. We're about to make your May in Melbourne much better.
Not quite the middle, not quite the start. If May was a day of the week, it would be Tuesday. May is almost destined for mediocrity. Although, in the spirit of making it the best we possibly can, we've scouted out 8 super fun things for you to do this month. We're about to make your May in Melbourne much better.
Written by

Kristen Allen
Marketing & Social Media Manager, Liven

Marketing & Social Media Manager at Liven 📝 Editor over at liven.blog - our food and lifestyle blog 🥑 Massive foodie with a particular soft spot for (fried chicken) burgers, avocado and cocktails.
Marketing & Social Media Manager at Liven 📝 Editor over at liven.blog - our food and lifestyle blog 🥑 Massive foodie with a particular soft spot for (fried chicken) burgers, avocado and cocktails.
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