6 Aug 2020 • 2 min read
6 Aug 2020 • 2 min read
Your Liven July Update 🎁
Your Liven July Update 🎁
Your Liven July Update 🎁
Your Liven July Update 🎁
Keith the Intern here. Now "Assistant to the Assistant Copy Writer". Welcome to your Liven July update! It's been hella a month for us, and I cannot wait to give you guys a run down of what we've been up to.
Keith the Intern here. Now "Assistant to the Assistant Copy Writer". Welcome to your Liven July update! It's been hella a month for us, and I cannot wait to give you guys a run down of what we've been up to.
Written by

Keith the Intern, Liven

Keith the Intern aka recently promoted Assistant to the Assistant Copywriter. I drink bubble tea for a living.
Keith the Intern aka recently promoted Assistant to the Assistant Copywriter. I drink bubble tea for a living.
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